As you all might be aware about it’s a URL shortening paying service used by millions to share links and earn some money out of it. Its not like you will make some awesome $$ out of it but as a free service of just sharing and making money it’s a good option and it sincerely pays not like the scam. Links are like frustrating when anyone has to wait for 4 seconds to see the masked link but still people use it as they are not free enough to work for no money so for the frustrating people you can bypass links using simple extensions.
Well people use to gain more clicks to their links when they used to share there links on facebook, but now as you all know facebook has banned the word and you are not able to share any links related to word. So now its really difficult for anyone to share links on Facebook and make some money. Well we have a good way with which you can share your links on facebook.
First step is too mask your URL with
Now copy the link and visit and paste your link and press make url2it, to mask it again.
Now just share this URL on facebook that’s it now anyone who click on this converted url will get redirected to link that will again show that 5 seconds advertisement and hence you will make money.
So this method works like a charm, if you face any problem using this method just comment below so that I check the issue and resolve it.
2012. november 4., vasárnap
5 Awesome Tips for Making Good Money Through
Now I think you all are aware about, if you wanna know how to make money with than check this post. Well this post is focused on teaching you some of the best proven tips to earn good amount with
2. Using Banner Method in
3. Sharing links on Forums:
4. Using Website Entry Script in
5. Using the referral Program:
The referral program for is really impressive whenever someone joins through your link, 20% of his income will be your commission. Means its really great 20% means if your friend earns 1$ than you will get Rs. 10. Change the id in below code and that will be your Referral Code.
So these were some of the best tips with which you can make bigger and good earnings with so try them out maybe they will make you happy.
1. Create and Share your Links on Facebook :Sharing links on Facebook means huge mass of people and huge clicks means bigger earnings, so this can be the best medium for bigger earnings at So create your links now and post a status on something useful for people so that they click on your links and you get paid.
Update: Well now we have tried sharing links on Facebook but these links are blacklisted, so now Facebook do not allow you to share links and any name.
Update: Well now we have tried sharing links on Facebook but these links are blacklisted, so now Facebook do not allow you to share links and any name.
2. Using Banner Method in
Now you might be thinking what I am saying means using Banner method will reduce your earnings because it pays less, but some people ignore the waiting time and they do not click on those links but if you will have the banner advertisement then there will be no waiting time else there will be just a small area covered by the link so that’s not bad because its paying you.
3. Sharing links on Forums:
Forums are one and only place where there is a huge audience after Facebook. Now people come give you links provide there links and exchanging goes on. So just upload some useful stuff and hide it behind the link and tell people to download if its really useful then they will download and you will earn money. So forums are the second best option to earn bigger with
4. Using Website Entry Script in
Now provides a great way for bloggers and website owners, if you own a website or Blog and you get a nice traffic than you need to check their website script which gets you money as soon as anyone loads your website, you might have checked this same script running on my website that as soon as you open my website you are promoted to SKIP AD, so this is the best way to earn more with so apply this thing just copy the below script right above </body> tag in your Edit HTML Section in Blogger.
var adfly_id = 3736398;
var adfly_advert = 'int';
var frequency_cap = 5;
var frequency_delay = 5;
<script src=""></script>
Modifying the above script :
Change the Numbers in Red with your ID you can get that in your referral section.
var frequency cap = 5 (How may times you wanna display AD)
var frequency delay = 5 (After how many minutes it should appear)
var adfly_id = 3736398;
var adfly_advert = 'int';
var frequency_cap = 5;
var frequency_delay = 5;
<script src=""></script>
Modifying the above script :
Change the Numbers in Red with your ID you can get that in your referral section.
var frequency cap = 5 (How may times you wanna display AD)
var frequency delay = 5 (After how many minutes it should appear)
5. Using the referral Program:
The referral program for is really impressive whenever someone joins through your link, 20% of his income will be your commission. Means its really great 20% means if your friend earns 1$ than you will get Rs. 10. Change the id in below code and that will be your Referral Code.
So these were some of the best tips with which you can make bigger and good earnings with so try them out maybe they will make you happy.
Traffic Exchange ( Support)
Put your / / Linkbucks or any other link on this traffic exchange system.
It Automatically Distribute Earned Credits! Surfing rates 1:1!
After you register....
1. Login >
2. Distribute your credits > Automatically Distribute Earned Credits Activated
3. Your sites (auto surfing) > put any ya wanna > Add site "DO NOT ADD http:// system adds automatically''
4. Earn credits > Start Surfing > To Earn Credits You Must Let Both Pages Open, You Will Earn 1 Credits By Displayed Sites.
Any further questions, send me private message.
Put as many sites you want.
Register link
Firefox Reload Tab Addon
Sometimes the message "Your surf window was closed. Please start surfing bar again." apears, so i just install a tab refresh addon. I am using Firefox with the Reload Every addon. I configure tab to reload every 30s. You can use any browser with he same option; Chrome with a tab reload addon or opera that does not need addon.
Notice: to system work, 2 tabs need to be open.
Payout Rates:
Adfly / (USA)
$6.06 CPM / $6.50 CPM
It Automatically Distribute Earned Credits! Surfing rates 1:1!
After you register....
1. Login >
2. Distribute your credits > Automatically Distribute Earned Credits Activated
3. Your sites (auto surfing) > put any ya wanna > Add site "DO NOT ADD http:// system adds automatically''
4. Earn credits > Start Surfing > To Earn Credits You Must Let Both Pages Open, You Will Earn 1 Credits By Displayed Sites.
Any further questions, send me private message.
Put as many sites you want.
Register link
Firefox Reload Tab Addon
Sometimes the message "Your surf window was closed. Please start surfing bar again." apears, so i just install a tab refresh addon. I am using Firefox with the Reload Every addon. I configure tab to reload every 30s. You can use any browser with he same option; Chrome with a tab reload addon or opera that does not need addon.
Notice: to system work, 2 tabs need to be open.
Payout Rates:
Adfly / (USA)
$6.06 CPM / $6.50 CPM
Pay Per Click Advertising / Review - Money Making Schemes has started to gain a lot of attention over the last few months as more and more individuals join. The site is incredibly easy to join and within a few minutes you can begin shrinking your links, posting them on your blog or social networks, and start making easy money.
It only takes about 5 minutes to sign up, confirm, and activate your account. Afterwards, it takes about 5 seconds to covert you URL links into an URL link. Then you post the links anywhere you want, just as long as you don’t spam.
Pay Rate has a solid Pay Rate average of $4 – $10 per 1000 clicks. This ultimately depends on which country the clicker hails from. Your account page will monitor all of your statistics and give you a real-time total earned, views, and where the clickers live. also gives a daily Pay Rate scale update for each country in your members section.
Pay Out
Currently, allows you to withdraw your earned money after you have reached $5. That’s so little compared to other sites. currently pays through Pay Pal and Alert Pay.
Referral Program
Another great feature of is it’s Referral Program. The site offers 20% of the earnings for anyone that you refer. And this lasts “FOR LIFE”!! automatically gives you a referral ID under the referral tab in your account page. It’s right up at the top and you can’t miss it.
Advertise on also allows you the option to advertise your website, services, or products through their company. When you sign up, you have the option to be a “Link Shrinker” or an “Advertiser”.
Current advertising rates are listed at $50 per 10,000 ad impressions.
As of right now, we have not experienced any problems with nor do we anticipate any. Just make sure you don’t SPAM your links.
We give this site a 10/10 due to it’s ease of use and easy of making money.
So what are you waiting for? Join
It only takes about 5 minutes to sign up, confirm, and activate your account. Afterwards, it takes about 5 seconds to covert you URL links into an URL link. Then you post the links anywhere you want, just as long as you don’t spam.
Pay Rate has a solid Pay Rate average of $4 – $10 per 1000 clicks. This ultimately depends on which country the clicker hails from. Your account page will monitor all of your statistics and give you a real-time total earned, views, and where the clickers live. also gives a daily Pay Rate scale update for each country in your members section.
Pay Out
Currently, allows you to withdraw your earned money after you have reached $5. That’s so little compared to other sites. currently pays through Pay Pal and Alert Pay.
Referral Program
Another great feature of is it’s Referral Program. The site offers 20% of the earnings for anyone that you refer. And this lasts “FOR LIFE”!! automatically gives you a referral ID under the referral tab in your account page. It’s right up at the top and you can’t miss it.
Advertise on also allows you the option to advertise your website, services, or products through their company. When you sign up, you have the option to be a “Link Shrinker” or an “Advertiser”.
Current advertising rates are listed at $50 per 10,000 ad impressions.
As of right now, we have not experienced any problems with nor do we anticipate any. Just make sure you don’t SPAM your links.
We give this site a 10/10 due to it’s ease of use and easy of making money.
So what are you waiting for? Join How to get Traffic? 1000 click/day?
Find some popular, newish videos. Then, go to here and reupload them. Fix up the tags and maybe all [HQ] , High Quality, etc. If you upload about 10 videos, you should get at least 1000 views per video a day. So that's 10 000 views a day. Wait a few days. Then, add a full page annotation on the video, saying 'This video is old and outdated. Please click the link in the description to see the latest. Add your link in the description. This should point back to the video you copied off. Hopefully, 90% of viewers will click on your link. So, out of the 10 000 views a day, you get 9 000 clicks which should amount to about $12 a day. On a large scale, say 100 videos, this is about $120 a day.
1000 clicks? Sounds impossible!
The main concern with most everyone using is TRAFFIC, and how to get more traffic to click on their links. This is always a complicated question to answer because as everyone knows, it's not easy to generate your own traffic without a lot of long, hard work. BUT there are ways where you can USE traffic from other sources. Another thing to consider is that pays you for up to 5 visits from the SAME PERSON. This means that if you have 5 links and the person clicks on all of them, you will get paid for all 5 visits! So, basically, you will not need 1000 people to visit your links as long as you have multiple links for your visitor to click, thus you will need less people to reach that 1000 clicks. I will list below, several ways to use traffic from other sources to help increase clicks to your links. Youtube trafficThis is probably the most well-known method to generate traffic. The easiest method would be to find popular videos that are receiving a lot of views on Youtube. Download the videos to your computer using one of the many free Youtube downloading sites or software. Re-upload the videos to your own Youtube account and title it similarly, or as close as possible to the original up loaders title. This method will get you views for your links posted below the clips, but I will go one step further to help you get the maximum amount of views.
Step 1. Choose 3-4 videos in a certain genre (example: Breaking News). Download these videos and then re-upload them to your Youtube account, BUT, set only one of those videos to "public", the others set them to "unlisted". The reason for this is that if ALL of your videos are "public", all one has to do is to check out your channel page and they can watch all of your videos without having to click on any links.
Step 2. Create links to all of the "unlisted" videos.
Step 3. Under the "public" video, post a caption like this "Breaking News story #2 etc... and then add your links below the clip. If your "public" video is popular, you will definitely get views on your other videos, which means you will be getting clicks.
Step 4. Rinse and repeat steps 1-3 using different videos from different genre (comedy, fails, songs etc)
Step 5. Now go to your channel page. On the left column you will be able to add all of your links and descriptions. (use the old channel view, the new one sucks IMO)
If you decide to go the Youtube route, don't just stop with 3-4 videos (one genre). Try and find as many different genre videos to list. If you can generate just 100 clicks from your 3-4 "News" videos a day, you can generate 1000 clicks from 10 different other genres, right?
Forum traffic
Another easy method getting traffic from other sources is to post your links on forums, news boards etc. This is pretty self-explanatory and doesn't need much explaining.
Craigslist traffic
This is probably the FASTEST way to get clicks and traffic. Now, getting Craigslist traffic is not as easy as just posting your links in ads. Craigslist has banned the use of in posts. However, all is not lost because I will show you an easy way to utilize Craigslist and it's millions of views per day. Popular items can earn 1000's of hits a day during the life of the ad. My method has worked extremely well and is only limited to the amount of ads you place. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if one post can bring you 1000 hits a day then 10 posts can bring you 10,000 hits a day. Join me below and learn my method of using Craigslist traffic to boost your Adfly income.
Of course I do not condone posting fake ads on Craigslist, and this is being shown only as an example of how to generate Craigslist traffic to your links. That being said...
*Note: The tips listed above are just basic techniques that you can use to increase clicks. Read below for information on how you can learn the advanced techniques that help me earn $100's per month!
Video Tutorial: Adfly Tips/Tricks
How to Make Money on the Internet (Adfly Tips/Tricks)
- Video Tutorial -
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