2012. november 4., vasárnap

Pay Per Click Advertising / Adf.ly Review - Money Making Schemes

Adf.ly has started to gain a lot of attention over the last few months as more and more individuals join. The site is incredibly easy to join and within a few minutes you can begin shrinking your links, posting them on your blog or social networks, and start making easy money.

It only takes about 5 minutes to sign up, confirm, and activate your account. Afterwards, it takes about 5 seconds to covert you URL links into an Adf.ly URL link. Then you post the Adf.ly links anywhere you want, just as long as you don’t spam.

Pay Rate
Adf.ly has a solid Pay Rate average of $4 – $10 per 1000 clicks. This ultimately depends on which country the clicker hails from. Your account page will monitor all of your statistics and give you a real-time total earned, views, and where the clickers live.
Adf.ly also gives a daily Pay Rate scale update for each country in your members section.

Pay Out
Currently, Adf.ly allows you to withdraw your earned money after you have reached $5. That’s so little compared to other sites. Adf.ly currently pays through Pay Pal and Alert Pay.
Referral Program
Another great feature of Adf.ly is it’s Referral Program. The site offers 20% of the earnings for anyone that you refer. And this lasts “FOR LIFE”!! Adf.ly automatically gives you a referral ID under the referral tab in your account page. It’s right up at the top and you can’t miss it.
Advertise on Adf.ly
Adf.ly also allows you the option to advertise your website, services, or products through their company. When you sign up, you have the option to be a “Link Shrinker” or an “Advertiser”.
Current advertising rates are listed at $50 per 10,000 ad impressions.
As of right now, we have not experienced any problems with Adf.ly nor do we anticipate any. Just make sure you don’t SPAM your links.
We give this site a 10/10 due to it’s ease of use and easy of making money.
So what are you waiting for? Join Adf.ly


2 megjegyzés:

  1. I just got a check for $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can earn by taking paid surveys online...

    So I show them a video of myself getting paid over $500 for filling paid surveys to set the record straight.

  2. Great content! You should write a post about ExoBucks. Our system analyzes each visitor you send, detects which URL shortener will pay the most for that visitor and then sends them to it. It's 100% free and we work with all of the popular URL shorteners.

    Plus, we have a great referral program that let's you connect your affiliate links from all of the shorteners that are in our system.
